Genetic Engineering Biotechnology and Corporate Rule

An introduction to a series of six articles

 Robert Anderson BSc(Hons) PhD

4 Febrtuary 1942 to 5 December 2008


The genetic engineering biotechnology (GE) debate has united people worldwide. These people have proved themselves dedicated to justice, democracy and compassion, qualities which have joined them in a fight against Corporate Rule. Such ideals are under threat, especially from the GE industry, and should serve to inspire us all.

We have reached the year 2000 and people are waking up to the realisation that almost every aspect of our lives is becoming affected by genetic engineering biotechnology. Most of all, we have been caught unprepared for the avalanche of foodstuffs and other products arriving in shops, seed merchants, pharmacies, hospitals and elsewhere.

The GE debate has captured people’s imagination and has generated the world’s largest civil rights movement in the history of humankind.

From the deeply immoral patenting of life forms and living processes, to the forced feeding of GE crops to whole nations, genetic engineering is seen as a dire threat to our health and biodiversity, in New Zealand and abroad.

Patents on life forms and living processes are thefts from mother nature. As Professor Mae-Wan Ho said in a recent address: “These patents threaten food security, violate basic human rights and dignity, compromise health care, impede medical and scientific research, and are against animal welfare.”

Governments, industry and PR firms are experts at putting out false information and rapturous claims for this technology. The six articles in this series give another perspective on the contentious debate. Contrary to what biotechnologists would like us to believe, GE crops are neither needed nor beneficial to human kind. They have became a dangerous diversion from the real task of providing food and health care to the world. Fortunately, the bubble has burst and the tidal wave of protest is sweeping across the globe.

The six articles will give in simple terms an exploratory view into the complex world of genetic engineering biotechnology. After some thirty years of teaching science, it is my hope that, once read, readers will have some understanding of hazardous nature of genetic engineering.


Robert Anderson BSc(Hons) PhD

Robert Anderson was a Quaker, teacher and writer. He was a Trustee of Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility (, a member of Amnesty International, a Theosophist, and a campaigner for peace and disarmament. He believed everyone has the right to equality and respect, freedom of speech and religion. He lectured on many subjects to meet the public's right to be independently informed on issues of science, the environment and social justice. He was passionate about making this world a better place for the generations to come. He authored eleven books and regularly contributed for a number of periodicals.

Enquiries about books written by Robert Anderson should be addressed to


For further information see:

GE Free New Zealand in food and environment

GE Free Northland in food and environment

Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility

Sustainability Council of New Zealand

The Soil & Health Association / Organic New Zealand