The Robert Anderson Memorial Award
In 2010, Amnesty International Tauranga Moana established the Robert Anderson Memorial Award to honour the contribution that its member, Robert (Bob) Anderson, had made to Peace, Human Rights and Social Justice.

Thoughts from Jean Anderson ...
I asked myself, why the Robert Anderson Memorial Award. So many people work tirelessly for issues about which they feel passionate. Bob tackled public speaking enthusiastically, his passion showing, yet he shunned personal attention. Our dear friend, Elva Day, explained it beautifully, and I quote:
"Viewing our lives is like standing on the edge of a still pond where we send a flat pebble skimming over the surface, watching the ripples extend right out to the periphery, yet never able to see the depth, extent or effect of our actions. Neither is all of this observable to others. Those closest to us may well see and experience some of what is hidden from ourselves, but no human ever sees it all. Just a few will have beneficially affected others to the extent that the community in which they have been involved want to establish a tangible reminder of a life that the community considers to have been well lived, beyond the norm. Such a person was Robert (Bob) Anderson, Quaker, Scientist, Educator, Writer, Theosophist, and Trustee of Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility. The community involved is Amnesty International Tauranga Moana."
Bob did not see the effect his work had, indeed often questioned its value, but I continue to be moved by people who say something that shows the "ripples" he created continue to spread.
I thank Amnesty Tauranga for acknowledging this with the Award in his name. (December 2012)
Bob died in December 2008 cutting short a well-lived life. The words for "commitment to social justice, peace and human rights" are engraved on the Award and honour a man who worked tirelessly to improve the world we live in.
A student at Tauranga Girls' College designed the Award and a student at Otumoetai College Tauranga carved it from native timbers. These reflect Bob's love of the New Zealand bush and the pleasures he found in simple things.
2022 - This year's recipients are the Ware Family. The family has had long term involvements in local, national and international non-governmental organisations including Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Nuclear Disarmament and Peace Education, along with volunteering in local social justice and environmental groups. The Award was presented in the Tauranga Domain, with attendees standing around the Amnesty tree, by Stuart Crosby, ex Mayor of Tauranga.
2021 - Award delayed by COVID.
2020 - Pip Brook is this year's recipient. Her work involves Street Kai and has included many other organisations for those in need such as Women's Refuge.
Presented by Tauranga's Mayor Tenby Powell in the Mayoral Chambers.
2019 - Jodie Bruning’s advocacy role mirrors UN Human Rights Council concerns, which recognise the increasing risk to human and environmental health from increasing exposures from man-made chemicals; and that this is contributing to a ‘silent pandemic’ of disease and disability, and risking freshwater quality for future generations. Presented by Tauranga's Mayor, Greg Brownless, in the Mayoral Chambers.
2018 - Denise Arnold, lawyer, established the Cambodia Charitable Trust in 2008 as a way to identify and build ways to prevent children in rural Cambodia from being trafficked; which work continues to expand. Presented by Tauranga's Mayor, Greg Brownless, in the Mayoral Chambers.
2017 - Jan Tinetti, principal of Merivale Primary School, in recognition of her tireless contributions to the decile 1 school, and her work with the homeless and in the Merivale community. Presented by Tauranga's new Mayor, Greg Brownless, in the Mayoral Chambers.
2016 – Award not presented.
2015 - Chennoah Walford was leader of the Tauranga Girls’ College Amnesty International Group presented with this Award in 2011. Chennoah has expanded on her commitment and now serves in a number of positions at Victoria University where she is a student, is on the Board of Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand as a ‘youth voice’, and engaged with Amnesty International’s youth leaders worldwide. Presented by Stuart Crosby, Mayor of Tauranga, in the Mayoral Chambers.
2014 - Terry Molloy for his commitment towards the betterment of the Community, for working with Youth At Risk, and in organising an exhibition detailing the Battle of Gate Pa on its 150th anniversary. Presented by Stuart Crosby, Mayor of Tauranga, in the Mayoral Chambers.
2013 – Mona Hamilton for work in many fields of peace, human rights and social justice, including Amnesty International, in her long lifetime and always carrying them out with humility. Presented by Stuart Crosby, Mayor of Tauranga, in the Mayoral Chambers.
2012 – Graham Cameron, Coordinator of the Merivale Community Centre in Tauranga, who impacted greatly in his work and activism against poverty and inequality in all its guises. Presented by Stuart Crosby, Mayor of Tauranga, in the Mayoral Chambers.
2011 – Amnesty International Group at Tauranga Girls' College, some 40+ members who worked with enthusiasm and imagination to raise awareness of issues Amnesty International tackled, giving them profile and drawing action. Presented by Stuart Crosby, Mayor of Tauranga, in the Mayoral Chambers.
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Amnesty International Tauranga Moana 07 575 3686.
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