Joint Cooperation, Dislocation or Recovery?
© Colin Addison
Over twenty years ago we were privileged to participate in the introduction of Shark Cartilage into New Zealand. This well-researched, totally natural product became a household word, in part due to the publication Jaws of Life by Alex Duarte OD PhD. Efforts to discredit the findings of Dr Duarte’s work failed as witnessed by the explosive growth of 'new' products based on the very same naturally-occurring components within shark cartilage and their continuing development today. Readers will have heard much about Glucosamine and Chondroitin, essential ingredients in cartilage and products designed to relieve joint pain. Both products feature in most, if not all, branded products available.
In those early days, the two great benefits to Western Society - quite separate from Asian use as both a tonic and delicacy (e.g., shark fin soup) over hundreds of years - revolved around aspects of joint pain and cancer. In short, these used the product’s ability to ‘puff up’ the shock-absorbing cartilage in a joint and its quality by which blood vessel development, angiogenesis, (in a tumour) is stopped. Today, these same characteristics are still being fully utilised for patients’ benefits, without overlooking the remarkable anti-inflammatory capability and source of calcium, phosphorus and protein. Shark Cartilage, more specifically presented as bulk powder and in the highest quality form, remains a vital aid to our practitioners, patients and consumers today; by joint cooperation of course.
It is quite wrong to presume that later developments have resulted in better products. Perhaps improved and maybe more specific, but certainly different in their formulations. Different is the operative word since patients respond individually to specific formulae.
Our experience, from initial involvement to ‘latest versions’, means each sufferer is offered up to ten options, any one of which may be far superior than any of the remaining nine. In the most severe cases, the product of final resort to relieve joint pain is called Joint Recovery Formula. Unlike shark cartilage and synthetic formulae, this product does not require heavy dosages to provide help to the sufferer. Those unwilling to experiment by working up over time from cheapest option, can avoid possible dislocation that may result from the requirement for “up to six months regime” on each option. This is especially the case where cost is the minor factor in the decision. It is little comfort that each product may need time in which to ‘work its special magic’ against unstable influences such as weather, diet and emotional 'baggage'. Understandably then, to opt for the best, and most likely the most effective, is good thinking. The product selected retails economically for at least four weeks’ supply, but more usually six. For most people, relief from pain is rapid and completely drug free. Serious conditions have responded to Joint Recovery Formula.
As scientific experimentation and evaluation continues, readers may wish to ponder on these recent findings and perhaps compare them to claims on other labels:
Glucosamine has been shown in study after study to be highly effective at relieving joint pain and repairing cartilage. It promises to slow or even halt arthritis.
Glucosamine is a safe and effective natural supplement that is better for your body that NSAIDS (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin and does not have the long-term detrimental effects so common with NSAIDS, which can erode your digestive tract and cause internal bleeding, kidney damage, liver failure or even death. Toxicity and side-effects attributed to the newer COX-2 medications, such as Vioxx or Celebrex, can be extensive. There are potential issues with blood clotting – which can mean heart attacks or strokes.
There is continuing debate over which of two forms of Glucosamine is better: G. Sulphate is found naturally in the body and has been much tested in clinical trials. It is very similar to G.HCL in its effectiveness. Researchers favour G.HCL, while doctors may be more comfortable with G.Sulphate. Both forms have been shown to offer great results, especially if used in tandem. Which is why Joint Recovery Formula uses both forms.
The highest ‘rating’ for any product, in this case food supplements, is Pharmaceutical Grade. Joint Recovery Formula meets this specification that makes this product ultra-safe and ultra-effective.
Pain relief may be the primary reason for product selection. There are options to include specific products such as No Gout Plus, Greenshell Mussel Extract, Coral Calcium, which may be self-prescribed, and other detoxicants that may best be used under practitioner supervision. The good news is that such food supplements are generally inexpensive even without any governmental subsidy and in many instances more effective and safer - no supplements has caused the death of anyone - than prescription alternatives.
Were any of us to aspire to the proper status of man, a Soul Seeker having found the goal, there would be need neither of drugs nor supplements. It may well be that this Realisation is not as far off as most of us think. Even in that, one must take care to think with great care; thoughts do indeed manifest. Arthritic conditions may have their roots in deep-seated hurts and resentments, of perceived past injustices and agonies. Indeed, as we think so we are, disabled and dislocated from our true selves identities and promised potential.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting The Blase Company (see below).
N.B. Products in italics are proprietary names subject to copyright or other protection. The expressed views and opinions of the writer are personal and do not necessarily reflect those of the company.
Colin Addison is Founder of The Blase Company (1988) Limited now trading as Nature's Star NZ Ltd. Freephone New Zealand only 0800 11 67 33; Auckland local 572 0200; e-mail